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the Quebec Hunter's Certificate (for Bow or Crossbow):

To be certified for bow hunting including the crossbow, you must take the two following courses :

  • IHBC (Initiation to Hunting with Bow or Crossbow)
  • ARCP (Practical Bow Test)



To be certified for crossbow only, you must take the following course (one day) :

  • IHBC (Initiation to Hunting with Bow or Crossbow)



Certification obtained following the success of this or these courses:


The Quebec Hunter and Trapper's Certificate is a document issued by the ministère des Forêts, de la Faune et des Parcs (MFFP). You must present it when you buy a hunting license from a sales agent approved by the MFFP. It is obtained automatically after completing the CFSC and IHF joint courses in Quebec, or after completing the IHBC course.

The hunter's certificate carries codes that allow you to hunt with certain hunting gear :

  • code F : firearm;
  • code B : crossbow; (Code obtained after successful IHBC course alone)
  • code A : bow AND crossbow. (Code obtained following the success of the IHBC course and ARCP test)

These codes are also found on your hunting license.

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